Spezielle Veröffentlichungen
Koob, C. (2023). Consumers’ preferences for digital corporate content on company websites: A best–worst scaling analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 18(3), 1301–1319.
Koob, C. (2023). Don’t forget about customer magazines: The effects of reading experiences on customer magazine effectiveness. Frontiers in Communication, 8.
Koob, C. (2021). Determinants of content marketing effectiveness: Conceptual framework and empirical findings from a managerial perspective. PLOS ONE, 16(4), e0249457.
Forster, A., & Koob, C. (2024). Anforderungen, Ressourcen und Arbeitsengagement von Pflegemanager_innen der unteren und mittleren Ebene: Eine Querschnittstudie. Pflege, Juni 2024, 1012-5302/a001002.
Forster, A., & Koob, C. (2023). Antecedents of nurse managers’ work engagement: A cross-sectional study. Healthcare, 11(9), 1336.
Wagner, B., & Koob, C. (2022). The relationship between leader-member exchange and work engagement in social work: A mediation analysis of job resources. Heliyon, 8(1), e08793.
Bartsch, C. E., Dürr, L., Forster, A., & Koob, C. (2021). Wie sind Schlüsselressourcen und -anforderungen mit dem Arbeitsengagement Pflegender während der COVID-19-Pandemie assoziiert? Eine Querschnittstudie. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 167, 57–67.
Koob, C., Schröpfer, K., Coenen, M., Kus, S., & Schmidt, N. (2021). Factors influencing study engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study among health and social professions students. PLOS ONE, 16(7), e0255191.
Schröpfer, K., Schmidt, N., Kus, S., Koob, C., & Coenen, M. (2021). Psychological stress among students in health-related fields during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of a cross-sectional study at selected Munich Universities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(12), 6611.
Dürr, L., Forster, A., Bartsch, C. E., & Koob, C. (2021). Anforderungen, Ressourcen und Arbeitsengagement Pflegender während der zweiten Welle der COVID-19-Pandemie: Eine Querschnittstudie. Pflege, 35(1), 5–14.
Nekula, P., & Koob, C. (2021). Associations between culture of health and employee engagement in social enterprises: A cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE, 16(1), e0245276.
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